A thank you to caregivers

by Wendell

Hello there, my name is Wendell, I'm 57 years old, and my story starts 10 years ago. 10 years ago I came down with Guillain Barre syndrome. this left me in a coma for 3 months . after coming out of that coma I was not able to move any part of my body , I was totally paralyzed . I spent eight years in a nursing home, and the last few years I've actually been in my own apartment.

But throughout that whole time I have to praise the caregivers that I encountered. From feeding me when I was totally paralyzed, to the therapies I got to help me get back to where I am.

I am still confined to a wheelchair because of the Guillain-Barre syndrome, but pretty much I do everything now on my own. But I still do have caregivers and CNAs come in to help me with my dishes and everyday chores and I do believe caregivers are underrated and not given the praise they need. I'm just sharing this to let people know what happened to me and how there was hundreds of people out there that help me get back to the way I was.

yours truly

Wendell James neal

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Jun 09, 2018
Thank you so much for your story.
by: Derek

I have dealt with patients suffering from Guillian Barre Syndrome before. It is a truly terrible thing to have and I don't wish it on anybody. The fact that you've come so far from it is truly remarkable. Stay strong and keep it getting better.

It warms my heart when people take the time to thank caregivers for everything they do. You are absolutely right. Caregivers often don't get the credit they deserve. Thank you for taking the time to share your appreciation. I wish you all the best.


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