Making A Special Friend

by Lori
(Leitchfield, Ky)

A few years ago I had the privilege of taking care of an elderly lady. She had a stroke recently, her family was afraid to leave her alone. I stayed with her during the day, mainly to insure she ate properly and be there in case she fell.

Early one morning she did experience a fall, I was standing close by, but was unable to prevent her from falling. Was traumatic for both of us, however I was able to get her up and sat in a chair, she said she thought she was ok. I called her son immediately he came and felt she was ok, fortunately she just had some bruising.

This experience was definitely a positive one. gave me a true feeling of doing something absolutely worth while. She appreciated everything I did for her. Like preparing her food, helping her with therapy exercises, keeping her company. making another person's life easier is truly a rewarding experience.

The best part is I made a new and special friend.

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Jul 24, 2018
Thank you so much for your story.
by: Derek

We could all use a friend. It sounds like you made a special one through caregiving. Stories like these make our efforts worthwhile. Not only are we helping people physically, we are helping them mentally by being a companion who shows them that someone cares for their comfort and well being.

Unfortunately we can't always prevent things that happen such as the fall that occurred. I'm glad she was okay and I'm glad you don't blame yourself. These things are often out of our control.

It sounds like you were a really big help. I hope you continue to carry this positive experience with you and share it with others.

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