Caring for a 93 year old

by Liezel

I am currently not working as a caregiver because my patient died last month. She was 93 years old, but she was a strong woman. She really enjoyed her life and she didn't want to leave her children.

On the day of her birthday, which was the 22th of December, all of her children were there to give their mother a party. They were all full of love for her. They all told her "Mom, we are all okay you dont have to worry about me and my siblings (6) because we all have family." Then their mama began to cry and said "I love you all. Your papa wants me with him now." Her children told her "No mama, if you still want to be with us, we all can take good care of you, especially liezel (me). Then mama said "Liezel is tired of taking care of me. She needs to enjoy her life outside of caring for me, not just doing what i want to do. She is young and needs to explore her life."

It was so sad but I need to accept that she needs to rest now and be in Gods hands. She died without pain in her body. She was physically fit for her age but we all know that the elderly often needs attention because their mind goes back to the way it was when they were a child.

We all know being a caregiver is not easy. You need to be a patient, understanding, and loving person to them. I experienced everything and I swear it wasn't easy to be a teacher, chief, maid, and especially a nurse. All of those professions together is what it means to be a CAREGIVER.

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Jun 22, 2018
Thank you so much for sharing.
by: Derek

It sounds like she lived a rich life with a loving family and an incredible caregiver. I'm sure she was at peace. You are absolutely right. Being a caregiver is challenging in every way imaginable but it is also extremely rewarding. Thanks again for sharing.

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