Rekindling This Site

This page is my attempt to rekindle the passion I once had for this site. I haven't started a fresh page in years. I plan for this to be the first of many.

A lot has happened over the years and unfortunately, I lost touch with this website. I still think about it often and have wanted to dive back into creating content many times but I put it on the back burner. This is the start of me attempting to put it back towards the front of my life.

It may not look like much, but I once put much time and energy into making this place a true resource for caregivers everywhere. A lot goes into this process and it takes a tremendous amount of time.

I've even thought about giving it all up completely, but I kept telling myself I would come back, so here I am. I'm not going to let this all go to waste. I have spent too much time and energy to stop now.

I am still living the caregiver life and have been all of these years but now in a different way. I'm still at the same facility that I was at when I first started this site and even the same unit, but I have a different title. Earning that title is partially why this site has been pushed aside.

I have changed from a certified nursing assistant (CNA) to a registered nurse (RN). It has been an incredible journey that I will never forget. It has also been the most challenging task I have every completed in my life and something I am still coming to terms with.

I definitely want to talk more about my journey and all of its ups and downs in the near future. Hopefully it will be an encouragement for potential future nurses or just caregivers in general. This field is one I highly recommend.

For now, I just wanted to have this sort of introductory page announcing a fresh start to something I should have never ended to begin with. What a site this could have been if I would have continued to post updates throughout nursing school and during the transition into my new position.

However, I can't dwell on what could have been. Instead, I wish to dwell on what this site still can be. It will take a lot of effort on my part, just like it did in the past, but I know the end result will be worth it.

If you are still reading this, thank you for visiting this site and for sticking around long enough to read all of my babbling. Please continue to check back frequently to see new content. I will attempt to make subsequent pages more useful.

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